Recognize Employees – They Deserve It!

Whether most people want to admit it or not, we all seek recognition and approval. It is not enough for us to know that we perform our job or activity well; we love for someone else to recognize us for our efforts. We need to feel the love and appreciation whether it is from your boss, co-workers or even your family members. The sad thing is recognizing someone is as simple as a spoken word of thanks or word of encouragement, yet it seems to rarely happen in the work place or home.

But let’s be real everybody loves to receive “stuff”. The best way to recognize someone is to present them with a memento that will continue to recognize them for many months or even years after the special day. Personalized wall plaques are great because they are a product that will be taken home and hung on the wall, which continues to provide recognition for many years. Money is also a nice option, however once it is gone, well so is your recognition. Logo products with the company name are a nice thought but does it recognize them for doing a great job? Whatever you chose we offer some suggestions to help make your award program a success.

  • Be consistent in awarding the product. Do it each month on a specific day
  • Make awarding the product special, don’t just walk by and throw the item to the winner and say “Way to go big guy”. Put some effort into the presentation – it doesn’t have to be an elaborate party, but put some take the time to do a good job – they did…
  • Personalize the award if at all possible. Everyone loves to see their name written and the award is that much more special.
  • The bigger the accomplishment – the bigger the prize. If someone has really over achieved – show your gratitude with a nice award product.

Starting an award program can seem like a daunting task which is all the more reason to choose an award professional such as For over 30 years we have been helping clients throughout the US and Canada with their Employee Recognition Awards and programs. When you call you will connect with someone with vast knowledge about products and services that will make your program a success. So give us a call at (888)754-8337 – we would love to hear from you.



Date 2/27/2017


Date 4/14/2017


Date 4/15/2017
