Choosing the best recognition awards for your employees

Many employers want to reward their employees for their hard work and dedication, but don’t know what kind of recognition awards to give them. Here is some advice for choosing between the many options, from the physical to the ceremonial, and making sure your employees feel appreciated.
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Everyday Occasions For Recognition Plaques

Many managers and supervisors may think of recognition plaques as formal things that that should only be given out on rare occasions to employees who have earned high honors. Yet the truth is, there are many times when rewards like these can be appropriate, as well as critical to employee morale. After all, it is almost impossible to give your employees too much encouragement or affirmation.
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Inspiring Your Employees with Plaques and Awards

If you want to recognize, motivate, and retain your employees, plaques and awards are a great option. While there are many ways to acknowledge the efforts of your employees and thank them for all that they do, a physical token of your appreciation is perhaps the most memorable and inspirational.
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