Keeping your Crystal Awards Beautiful
Posted by Administrator on 5/23/2013 to
Crystal Awards
Crystal awards are elegant, distinctive, and an honor to receive. If you have been given any, you probably are proud and want to make sure that you are taking the best possible care of them. These tips will help you show off your awards and keep them looking beautiful for many years.
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Using Plaques and Awards as Employee Motivation
Posted by Administrator on 5/11/2013 to
Employee Awards
In a corporate setting, everyone under the payroll plays a valuable role in making a business as successful as it is. The CEO or whoever heads the company is the one responsible for everyone below him. It is also his duty to ensure that morale is high at all times and that staff and faculty members enjoy their work and what they do. It is up to the higher ups to keep the whole team motivated. One way to do this is by offering some sort of incentive to ensure everyone stays motivated and performs at their best. One way to do this is through the use of plaques and awards as an acknowledgement.